Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Another year and still here

Another year is nearly behind us. For many of our counter-parts (associates) in British Columbia, it will be welcomed as Investigation files for the General and Insurance Investigation firms has been slow at best.
Of course there are the exceptions. Golden West Investigative Group Ltd has been one of those exceptions due to our going to back to our roots.- PROCESS SERVING

When the slow down / cut backs began about two years ago when it comes to obtaining surveillance and investigation files from our Provincial  Automobile Insurance carrier (ICBC), the management and staff at Golden West began looking at other area of work that could / would help carry us through these lean times. It did not take long to realize that investigation and surveillance files from law firms and process serving was a very viable area to concentrate our efforts.

It used to be that these two areas were the gravy and the Insurance Corp was the meat and potatoes. Over the last two years, this has changed. When or if the files start to flow from ICBC and other insurnace carriers, they may be moved to the gravy end of the plate.

This does not mean that we will give them any less attention but as our network of investigators and process server associates continues to grow, one really has to look at where the BREAD ON THE TABLE has stayed constant.

I guess what I am getting at here is: If you wish to stay in this business as long as we have, you must be prepared to diversify and change lanes from time to time.

We would like to wish all readers of our Less than busy blog, a very merry holiday season and hope to see many comments in the near future.

Seasons Greetings

D.M.(Riun) Lawrence
Golden West Investigative Group Ltd


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